Project Update

What are council assets?

We manage $1.237 billion assets on behalf of the community – things like roads, paths, drains, bridges, buildings, playgrounds and sports facilities.

The choices we make today about how we look after and invest in those assets can impact the quality of life of future generations.

Over the next 10 years we will spend $698.3 million to renew, improve and care for our assets.

We need to carefully balance how we spend the budget available to make sure we:

  • maintain our assets well so they last the test of time
  • upgrade them so they last longer and better meet the needs of users
  • build or acquire new assets that meet new needs in the community

Understanding our community’s changing needs and priorities helps us ensure that our investment in assets is appropriate.

Share your thoughts

In planning for the next 10 years, we’ve identified some future challenges and opportunities. We want to hear your thoughts on anything else you think we need to consider.

Have your say by Friday 10th June 2022.


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Community and Council Plans engagement - October 2020 to September 2021

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Community engagement on services and asset priorities - February 2022

  • Timeline item 3 - active

    Draft plan for community engagement - May to June 2022

  • Timeline item 4 - incomplete

    Feedback considered and final plan prepared - June 2022

  • Timeline item 5 - incomplete

    Plan adopted by Council - end of June 2022

Contact us

If you have questions, want to provide more feedback, or learn more about this project, please contact:

Contact Information
Name Robin Cassidy
Phone 9298 8000