Based on your feedback, we have developed a masterplan for Kings Park, Upper Ferntree Gully.

Thanks to everyone in our community for providing your feedback.

To view the final masterplan and community engagement summary, visit the links below.


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Gather initial feedback

    Collect information on respondents’ seeking input/ ideas for improving the park as a local recreation destination

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Review feedback and develop draft masterplan

    Use feedback received during the first phase of engagement to develop a draft masterplan

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Community engagement on draft masterplan

    Share your thoughts

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Final draft masterplan development

    Display final draft masterplan and report on engagement findings

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    Councilor briefing

    Provide all necessary material and present at a councilor briefing forum

  • Timeline item 6 - complete

    Final masterplan

    Prepare final masterplan and cost plan

More about this project

Located in Upper Ferntree Gully at the foothills to the Dandenong Ranges, Kings Park is a hub for local sport and recreation and the heart of regional baseball, junior athletics, AFL and cricket in the Upper Ferntree Gully region. The facilities set in an attractive and much-loved parkland setting encourage local residents and visitors to get outside to play, exercise, walk the dog and be active, whatever their fitness level or ability.

In 2021, we commenced a Masterplan for Kings Park. This design process will set the strategic direction for the park and propose improvements that will expand on the park's existing features, reflect changing community needs for this open space to ensure current and future generations will continue enjoy and utilise it.

The development of a masterplan for Kings Park is in line with the Knox Open Space Plan 2012-2022, which was developed with the Knox Community.

The masterplan will set out the future direction and goals to ensure that both existing club and community needs are met and improved on through upgrades to the existing sporting infrastructure, improvements to the informal community spaces and trails and through environmental and sustainable initiatives.

Please note, this is a draft masterplan not a detailed design plan.

Stage 1 Community Engagement (Gather initial feedback)

  • October 2021 – Detailed Site Analysis
  • November - December 2021 - Meetings with key site stakeholders
  • 22 November 2021 - 14 January 2022 - Online community survey (150 participants)
  • December 2021 - Infield park user survey (56 participants)

Stage 2 Community Engagement (Draft masterplan)

  • Community invited to submit feedback on the Draft Masterplan
  • Drop In sessions held on site at Kings Park, Ferntree Gully and Ferntree Plaza
  • Meetings with key site stakeholders

Contact us

If you have a question or want to learn more about this project, please contact:

Contact Information
Name James Augoustakis from the Knox City Council Open Space Team
Phone 03 9298 8781