Great idea
I am fully supportive of this development. There is a need for quality squash facilities and this will be welcomed by current and future players.
Let us know what you think of the proposed upgrade to the squash courts.
32 contributionsI am fully supportive of this development. There is a need for quality squash facilities and this will be welcomed by current and future players.
I have played squash for many years at various clubs, however many clubs have closed or been left to deteriorate, so I think this new project for squash courts is long overdue. It’s great to see.
As a squash player for more than 40 years I have witnessed the growth and decline of the sport that has given me more than I could ever give back, it is gratifying to see someone interested in supporting the growth of the sport. It's hard to promote and grow a sport if the facilities don't exist to do so. Additional court space in the east of Melbourne will provide the opportunity to support those who already play this terrific game (and one that Australians have been very good at ovr the…
With the loss of so many squash courts around the city, the addition of extra squash courts in this region would be a fantastic boost to the game. Squash is a fantastic game for your health, requires minimal equipment and is not affected by weather conditions. Once one of the most popular sports in Australia, there is no reason why it can’t regrow in popularity aside from the fact that facilities have either been demolished or are in disrepair. This will greatly help.
The addition and upgrade of the Carrington Park Squash courts will be a fantastic investment to the Knox community. Squash and racquetball has unfortunately seen so many courts close which has made it difficult for people to continue to participate in this sport. This investment by Knox Council to update and build new squash courts will bring new people to the sport and provide much needed facilities. In a Society where we are encourage physical activity, I think it is vital we provide the…
I am and have been a squash player for the last 50 years. I currently play for the Mountain Districts Club at the Genesis facility in Scoresby Road. Unfortunately, squash courts have been closing throughout the East and there are diminishing opportunities for those who want to play this great game. Our Club has been very proactive in promoting the game to juniors. With the possible closure of our courts at some stage, junior players and our members would be looking for somewhere else to play…
As a long term squash player I welcome the redevelopment of the Carrington Park Leisure center to improve squash facilities in Knox area. For too long we have seen courts closing and this means we are travelling more to play the game we love. Squash and racquetball are game that suit all ages and abilities.
This would be such an exciting addition to the area. We are so used to seeing squash courts close down, it is great to see the prospect of new courts being built to help support the sport. It is an awesome game for all ages and there are so many surrounding clubs in other areas that would welcome the new addition and bring people to Knox!
Excellent! The more squash the better! This is the best sport in the world and the more people who play it the better! BUILD MORE SQUASH COURTS!!! :D
This would be a hugely popular centre not just for existing Squash players but the community as a whole, whilst also helping to build our sport for the future.
So the ratepayers get an existing facility rejuvenated and even expanded at the expense of the lessee? How good is that? With the progressive closure of many centres in the surrounding suburbs and across broader Melbourne over recent years, there is a desperate shortage of squash courts and rejuvenating a centre such as this would be very welcome news indeed. As a competition squash and racquetball player and someone who has worked in squash and gym facilities in the past, I understand…
Absolutely support the project, having been involved in competitive squash for over 50 years. This proposal would enhance squash and racquetball in the area. Mal Taylor Architect
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