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This is the engagement page for the draft Bayswater Renewal Strategy.

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Supporting Councillors in their roles

We are proposing changes to the Councillor Expenses and Support Policy, to better support Councillors in their roles, by ensuring they have the resources they need to effectively carry out their duties.

Key changes proposed in the draft Councillor Expenses and Support Policy include:

  • interstate and overseas travel expenses must be applied for and approved by Council resolution, in advance of the trip
  • changing entitlements for professional development expenses to provide more support and flexibility for Councillors
  • amendments to reflect existing support provided to Councillors when attending events on behalf of Council
  • provision for attendance at the ALGA National General Assembly

Refer to the overview of proposed changes and draft Councillor Expenses and Support Policy.

The Local Government Act 2020, requires Council to establish clear guidelines on the support and reimbursement of expenses Councillors are entitled to when performing their roles. Our Councillor Expenses and Support Policy fulfills this requirement under the Local Government Act 2020.


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Community engagement period

    17 April - 8 May 2024

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Report going to Council meeting for consideration


  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Report outcome from Council meeting to community


Engagement Level

For this project we will be engaging our community at the level of Consult on the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) Spectrum.

We will keep you informed, listen to and acknowledge concerns and aspirations, and provide feedback on how public input influenced the decision.

Contact us

Contact Information
Name Saskia Weerheim
Phone 03 9298 8000