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This is the engagement page for 'Proposal to sell 58-60 Station St Bayswater'.

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Cabcharge vouchers may be made available for eligible community members for travel to and from engagement activities.

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Proposal to sell Council land

We are inviting your feedback on our proposal to sell surplus land 58-60 Station St, Bayswater at full market value. Your feedback will help guide Council’s decision on the proposal.

This land was declared surplus by Council in 2019, and has been vacant for 5 years.

We are undertaking a statutory process and seek community feedback on this proposal in accordance with the Local Government Act 2020.

About the land

The land is approximately 977m2 in size, with 15 mature trees along the fence boundary of Station Street and Pine Road. The site has no vegetation protection controls.

An external arboricultural assessment was undertaken on 23 July 2024, and found that there are no trees of exceptional value, 7 trees of high value and 8 trees of medium value (the arboricultural assessment).

Any future development for this site would need to meet the zoning requirements, and the Design and Development overlay - Schedule 6. The site is zoned Residential Growth Zone 2 (RGZ2) which requires landscaping to consist of a minimum of one canopy tree per 250 square metres.

Previous community consultation

Earlier this year (June-July 2024), Council undertook community consultation and invited community feedback on a proposal to sell 58-60 Station St, Bayswater at a subsidised rate of approximately 62% below market value to a community housing organisation. After reviewing all 31 submissions and the proposal, Council decided at the 9 September Council meeting not to proceed with this proposal.

We have developed a new proposal to sell this land at full market value and seeking community feedback on it. Feedback received for the previous proposal cannot be considered for this new proposal, because the proposals are different.

Have your say by Monday 2 December

How to have your say:


  • completing the survey below

In writing

  • post your submission to:
    58-60 Station St, Bayswater consultation
    Property Management Team
    Knox City Council
    Reply Paid 70243, Wantirna South 3152
  • Email

In person

  • Attend the pop-up session on Saturday 23 November, 11am to 12pm at Bayswater Library, Shop 26 Mountain High Shopping Centre, 7-13 High Street, Bayswater 3153


  • Timeline item 1 - active

    Community engagement

    11 November - 3 December 2024

  • Timeline item 2 - incomplete

    Report going to Council meeting for consideration

    Late 2025

Engagement Level

For this project we will be engaging our community at the level of Consult on the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) Spectrum.
This means we will listen to what you say and consider it when we make a decision.

Contact us

Find out more about this engagement.

Contact Information
Name Property Management Team
Phone 9298 8000