Many members of our community and various stakeholders worked with us to develop the following plans which were adopted on 25 October 2021.
The Community Plan 2021-31 was developed with our community and stakeholders. The plan includes a Community Vision and outlines five Key Directions, which are the areas we all need to focus on over the next 10 years to achieve our vision:
Knox: where we connect with our people and our environment, ensuring they are safe, supported and have every opportunity to thrive.
The Council Plan 2021-25 (including the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan) describes our contribution to achieving the vision under each of the Key Directions. It also includes the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan to ensure that supporting, protecting and improving the health and wellbeing of our community is at the forefront of everything we do.
The updated Financial Plan provides a long-term view of the resources we will need and how they’ll be used over the life of the plans.
Through forums, focus groups and surveys, you told us what you love about Knox and what you want it to be like in the future. These plans were developed based on what you told us. Thank you for the contributions you’ve made that will help shape the future of Knox.
Annual Budget 2022-23 and Asset Plan 2022-2032
Knox's Annual Budget 2022-23 and Asset Plan 2022-2023 were adopted by Council on Monday 27 July 2022.
The Annual Budget and Asset Plan reflect what you told us are your priorities for the future of Knox.
The Budget outlines the resources required to implement the Council Plan, ensuring we achieve our Community Vision. The 10 year Asset Plan describes how we look after and invest in the assets that impact the quality of life for future generations.
Key Directions
Knox strives to be a city of opportunity, embracing innovation and change, and providing local learning and employment opportunities for all. It’s a place where people and business can thrive.
This Key Direction focuses on:
- Encouraging business and investment in Knox
- People of all abilities having local job opportunities
- Creating spaces for start-ups and places for people to network
- Making sure we have good education and lifelong learning opportunities
- Embracing technology and supporting innovation
- Implement business recovery and continue to monitor the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Support the implementation of the State Government reform for the roll out of 3-year old kindergarten in the Knox municipality
- Support, connect and strengthen the creative industry sector through arts, cultural and economic development programs
Some of the initiatives that Council will undertake to contribute to this Key Direction are:
- Implement business recovery and continue to monitor the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Support the implementation of the State Government reform for the roll out of 3-year old kindergarten in the Knox municipality
- Support, connect and strengthen the creative industry sector through arts, cultural and economic development programs
Building on what’s great about our city, Knox’s housing and infrastructure will meet the changing needs of our community.
This Key Direction is about:
- Having affordable, accessible and appropriate housing options
- Making sure our network of paths connect up and easy for everyone to use
- Advocating to other levels of government about housing and better public transport in Knox
Some of the initiatives that Council will undertake to contribute to this Key Direction are:
- Develop and implement a Social and Affordable Housing Strategy and Action Plan
- Facilitate and support the implementation of the Boronia Renewal program
- Advocate to State Government for improved public transport and arterial road connectivity in Knox
Knox’s natural environment is protected and enhanced to ensure sustainability for future generations.
This Key Direction is about:
- Reducing waste and recycling wherever we can
- Being energy efficient
- Looking after our parks and natural spaces
- Using our cars less
- Reducing the negative impacts of climate change
- Undertake vegetation mapping analysis and habitat corridor planning to manage our urban biodiversity
- Commence implementation of the high priority Year 1 actions of the Climate Response Plan
- Enhance Knox’s Waste and Recycling Education programs to focus on reducing waste to landfill and increasing recycling
Some of the initiatives that Council will undertake to contribute to this Key Direction are:
- Undertake vegetation mapping analysis and habitat corridor planning to manage our urban biodiversity
- Commence implementation of the high priority Year 1 actions of the Climate Response Plan
- Enhance Knox’s Waste and Recycling Education programs to focus on reducing waste to landfill and increasing recycling
Knox is a place to call home. Our community is strong, healthy and we support and respect each other.
This Key Direction is about:
- Making time to look after ourselves, physically and mentally
- Maintaining connections with others – social, cultural and spiritual
- Volunteering time or join community groups
- Showing respect, embracing differences and supporting others
- Ensuring there are good quality support services for those most in need
- Providing safe spaces for those most vulnerable
Some of the initiatives that Council will undertake to contribute to this Key Direction are:
- Respond to emerging social and health issues caused by the COVID‐19 pandemic
- Prioritise mental health and wellbeing initiatives by focusing on community partnerships and collective impact
- Contribute to the collective efforts in preventing and responding to family violence
- Work in partnership with local First Nations people, relevant services and key networks to progress Reconciliation
Knox Council is a trusted and respected leader in our community, acting appropriately and ensuring all voices are heard.
This Key Direction is about:
- Participating in consultation and engagement activities
- Listening to the community and make decisions based on their needs
- Being more open and transparent in decision making, and regularly reporting back on plans and projects
- Implement priority actions of the Community Engagement Framework and Action Plan
- Develop and implement a Customer Experience Strategy and Action Plan
- Develop a procurement policy to ensure commercial and best practice outcomes
Some of the initiatives that Council will undertake to contribute to this Key Direction are:
- Implement priority actions of the Community Engagement Framework and Action Plan
- Develop and implement a Customer Experience Strategy and Action Plan
- Develop a procurement policy to ensure commercial and best practice outcomes
Community and Council Plans
Find out more about the Knox community and what's important to them, as identified through the Community and Council Plans.
Project updates
Document Library
Timeline item 1 - complete
Review of the current plan
A review was undertaken of the current Community and Council Plan 2017-2021 which is due to expire on 30 June 2021.
Timeline item 2 - complete
Conversations with the community
We want to hear from as many people as possible about the future of Knox - developing our vision, working out what our priorities are, and discussing how we can all contribute to making Knox a great place, now and in the future.
Timeline item 3 - complete
Creating the new plans
Based on conversations with our community, we're drafting a 10 year Community Plan and a 4 year Council Plan.
Timeline item 4 - complete
Feedback on the draft plans
We want to know if our plans reflect your needs and aspirations for the future.
Timeline item 5 - complete
Consideration of feedback
We'll review the feedback received and update the plans where applicable.
Timeline item 6 - complete
Adoption of the new Community and Council Plans
The new plans were adopted at the Council meeting on Monday 25 October 2021.
Timeline item 7 - complete
Seeking priorities for the draft Annual Budget
We want to know what services and assets you think should be funded through the 2022-23 Annual Budget.
Timeline item 8 - complete
Consideration of input and developing the draft budget
We'll consider the information you give us around your priorities and develop the draft Annual Budget.
Timeline item 9 - complete
Draft Annual Budget available for feedback
Tell us what you think of the draft 2022-23 Annual Budget.
Timeline item 10 - complete
Adoption of the 2022-23 Annual Budget
The 2022-23 Annual Budget will be adopted at the June 2022 Council Meeting.
Contact Us
Have questions or want to learn more, please contact us below:
Name | Kathryn Holland |
Phone | +61 9298 8446 | |