We have an important role to play in supporting and addressing social equity issues affecting marginalised and at-risk communities, and want to connect with and better understand the needs of Knox's lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ+) communities.

We will be undertaking a series of initiatives to ensure our services and culture are inclusive. We are focussing on a needs analysis as well as concentrating our effort to form an ongoing connection with the older LGBTI community. Our aim is to create a council where younger and older LGBTI communities have a sense of trust and comfort in any activity related to council.

LGBTIQ+ needs analysis

We are undertaking a needs analysis to better understand the lived experience of LGBTIQ+ communities in Knox. We're exploring opportunities for Council to positively influence LGBTIQ+ health and wellbeing outcomes locally and regionally. LGBTIQ+ people who live, work, study or play in the City of Knox, as well as their families and allies are invited to make a contribution to the needs analysis. Findings and insights will inform our future work and how we partner with LGBTIQ+ communities to influence Council policy, strategy and practice.

Engagement with the older LGBTI community

We are focussed on creating a stronger connection with the older LGBTI community (65 years+). We know many older LGBTI people have faced stigma, discrimination and lived in a time when ‘homosexual acts’ were a crime. Earlier this year, Council commenced a program of interactive inclusion training sessions. These sessions are developed to provide participants with an insight into the lived experiences of the older LGBTI community including the histories that older lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and/or intersex people have experienced as well as the barriers to social participation and accessing services created by these experiences. Participants learn practical ways for community groups and clubs to start providing welcoming and safe participation for older LGBTI people.


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Desktop research review

    Preliminary research to begin to understand health and wellbeing needs, as well as strengths, assets and resources.

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Older LGBTI Library exhibition

    Dates: Tuesday 24 November 2020

    Time: 7 pm – 8pm (via Zoom)

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Needs Analysis

    Includes focus groups, survey and ideas wall to gather information from Knox's diverse LGBTIQ+ community, friends and allies.

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    LGBTI Inclusion Training

    Dates: 2 March 2021 (for Council staff)
    Time: 7.00pm-8.30pm (via Zoom)

    Dates: 8 June 2021 (for Seniors Clubs and Groups)
    Time: 10.00am-11.30am (via Zoom)

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    Older LGBTI community focus groups

  • Timeline item 6 - complete

    LGBTI Inclusive Approaches for Local Government

    Presentation by and LGBTI elders on inclusive approaches and meaningful action for older LGBTI people at a state-wide forum hosted by the Municipal Association of Victoria.

    June 2021

  • Timeline item 7 - complete

    Older LGBTI events and activities

    Regular contact made with residents about upcoming LGBTI specific events and activities during the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions.

    June-December 2021

  • Timeline item 8 - active

    Needs Analysis Report

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Rhiannon Bennett
Phone 9298 8415
Email rhiannon.bennett@knox.vic.gov.au