Project update

A decision to delay some projects, including this one, has been made in order to ensure we manage our budget in a financially responsible way. As a result, funding for the Stage 2 Sports and Play upgrades has been deferred for at least 5 years.

This has been a difficult decision and will be disappointing for everyone who has been involved and was looking forward to the upgrades.

The cumulative impact of rate capping since 2016 has placed pressure on our ability to meet the increasing demand for services and facilities amid rising construction costs.

As a result, work on the design of the upgrades will be paused immediately to avoid rework that may be required in the future.

Your input in the development of the Stage 2 concept plans for Lewis Park is greatly appreciated. We will re-engage with you when we have a further update on the project.

About the project

Lewis Park in Wantirna South is a well-loved reserve and offers many different attractions for our community. This includes:

  • Sports and play spaces
  • The natural beauty of the park
  • The environmental importance for our local biodiversity
  • Its cultural significance

More than 49 comments were received via the Have Your Say page, in addition to the in-person sessions. All comments have been considered in developing the final concept design.

Unfortunately due to the rising cost of construction being experienced across the industry, some modifications have also needed to be made to the concept design to ensure the project remains in budget.


Feedback received on the pavilion has been incorporated into a revised design which will provide a more compact building but with good access to both ovals.

Playspace and Amenities

Comments on the playspace and amenities were focused on the availability of carparking, gym equipment location and desire for a water park in Knox. Unfortunately a waterpark was not part of the endorsed Council Masterplan for this site so is unable to be provided. Carparking is being reviewed to ensure as much as possible is provided. The gym equipment is also to be reviewed to have it dispersed at multiple stations around the park.

Skate Park

The community would like the skate bowls to remain so we are looking to do that as part of a revised concept design, in addition to providing new elements.

In consideration of the feedback received and the cost value management exercise undertaken, a number of changes to the concept plan for the Lewis Park Sports & Play Hub have been made as follows:

  • Retention of part of the existing access road with provision of up to 50 additional car parking spaces
  • Reduction of the playground area, providing a separation buffer between the play space and skate park
  • Retention and renovation of the existing 2 skate bowls with a new adjoining snake ramp
  • Relocation of the half basketball court to within the play space area
  • Removal of the basketball court in the north of the site, adjacent to the cricket practice nets
  • Existing cricket nets to be retained
  • Relocation of the exercise station to smaller stations positioned around the park to provide circuit training opportunities
  • Reduction of concreting in plaza space and introduction of more landscaped grass and garden areas
  • Relocation and reuse of existing public toilet block within the play space area
  • Reduction of terraced seating around the pavilion
  • Reduction of overall building footprint with consolidation of the two amenity


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Community engagement on Masterplan – March to September 2018

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Masterplan endorsed by Council – March 2019

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Concept design developed – January 2021 to July 2022

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Community engagement on concept – July 2022

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    Community engagement report – December 2022

  • Timeline item 6 - incomplete

    Final concept design - TBC

  • Timeline item 7 - incomplete

    Detailed design - TBC

  • Timeline item 8 - incomplete

    Construction - TBC

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Ian McKee
Phone 9298 8000