Change in pop up times and locations
10 May 2023
To ensure there is enough light to share information and conversation about the Koolunga Native Reserve draft Future Directions Plan, we are making some changes to the schedule of pop ups for Koolunga Native Reserve.
The next sessions are:
Thursday 11 May, 3.30 to 5.30pm at the reserve, running half hour earlier.
Saturday 13 May, 11am to 1pm at the reserve (no change)
Wednesday 17 May, 5pm to 7pm now held at The Basin Community House, 21 Liverpool Rd, The Basin.
In case of poor weather, please check Have Your Say or call Council to confirm the location of outdoor sessions.
You can also call the Open Space team on 9298 8030 or email to ask any questions, share your feedback or request printed copies of the plan and survey.
We will update signs on site, however would appreciate you sharing this update with friends and neighbours to ensure people are aware of these changes.