
Kindergarten community panel session 2

20 March 2023

The second session of the kindergarten community panel was held on Saturday 18 March, from 1pm to 5pm.

21 people attended the session, which was facilitated by Capire Consulting Group.

The afternoon started with a recap on the first panel session and a presentation by Council officers answering panelist questions that were taken on notice from last time. Panelists split into small groups to review and confirm their big topics/themes, which were identified in Session 1. This lead into exploring the panellists' values and aspirations where they defined some initial draft principles to be finalised in Session 3.

To finish the session, Council officers presented the three options under review in more detail. This included the opportunities, risks and insights for each option and answered panelist questions. The panel members then discussed in groups their initial thoughts on each option and how they relate to the identified themes.

You can review the slides that were shared.

If you would like to know more you can review the frequently asked questions and also submit your own questions to Council.

The panel will meet again this Thursday 23rd March and for the final session on Saturday 1st April.

Images from community panel session 2