Distinct features in this precinct include the water streams, important vegetation and landscape qualities, Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Sensitivity and artefacts. Our community can enjoy a variety of recreational activities such as walking, cycling, nature tourism, and horse riding.

Opportunities for this precinct includes additional vegetation planting to strengthen existing habitats, and a variety of recreational opportunities.

Our draft Knox Green Areas and Rural Strategy aims to protect this precinct’s significant vegetation and habitat, while enhancing access to recreation and nature tourism opportunities.

Objectives for this precinct have been grouped into the following 3 themes:

  • Ecology objectives support the protection of biodiversity, wildlife connectivity and waterway health
  • Landscape and character objectives support protecting heritage and landscape values
  • Land use and access objectives support land uses that are consistent with the values and functions of the precinct

Key initiatives for these objectives include:

  • Ecology:
    • Protecting the role of the precinct as a rural buffer between the urban areas and the Lysterfield Park
    • Planting of more native vegetation to enhance wildlife connectivity
  • Landscape and Character:
    • Ensuring future changes to Hanson Quarry do not adversely impact key landscape values
  • Land Use and Access:
    • Maintaining the current Urban Growth Boundary to prevent intense development.
    • Collaborating with Parks Victoria on nature based recreation and tourism opportunities in Lysterfield Park, and improving access from Knox

Further information is available in the Precinct 2b Factsheet and draft Green Areas and Rural Strategy.