Project Update

We are considering a synthetic surface for one of the soccer pitches at R.D Egan Lee Reserve in Knoxfield, one of the most used sporting fields in Knox.

The proposed synthetic surface will:

  • support all season use of the sporting fields
  • increase community participation in sport.

Have your say on the proposed synthetic sporting surface and a low level boundary fence to protect the field.

Why is a synthetic field being considered?

A key action from our 2019 community consultation on the R.D Egan Lee Reserve masterplan is to explore the benefits of synthetic surfacing to improve sporting fields.

The resident soccer club at the Reserve is one of the largest and fastest growing in Knox. The club is all inclusive, with increasing participation from women, girls and juniors. The club frequently uses the Reserve for training and competition games, however over the recent years they have had to cancel sessions due to safety of the ground conditions (for example weeds, turf health and density) and the need to rest the grounds to prevent further damage.

Installing a synthetic sporting surface will:

  • provide safe and consistent playing conditions all year round
  • be low maintenance and durable
  • adapt the sporting reserve to climatic conditions.

The pitch would be installed in the south western corner of the reserve and be available for public use outside of club hours.

What other changes are needed for a synthetic field?

Installing a synthetic sporting surface at the reserve will also require:

  • low level fencing surrounding the pitch to protect it from vandalism, limit ball run off, and manage spectators
  • access gates in the fence for pedestrians
  • higher ball catching fence on the southern end of the reserve.

Have your say by sharing your feedback below before Thursday 7th April 2022.


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Community engagement on proposed pitch

    Collecting and collating community response to the project by Thursday, 7 April 2022 prior to a final decision on the development.

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Report back to the community on final decision

  • Timeline item 3 - incomplete

    Construction - completion by April 2024

    Construction to begin following the 2023 winter soccer season to minimise disruption to the club.

Contact us

If you have question or want to learn more about this project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Tom Scanlan
Phone 9298 8000