
Knox Waste and Resource Strategy endorsement

23 July 2024

The Knox Waste and Resource Strategy, which was officially endorsed by Council in May 2024, outlines Council’s plans to manage waste and resources over the next 7 years. The strategy aims to create a more sustainable and circular economy in Knox.

The strategy was developed after a thorough community engagement process which saw more than 800 people visit the Have Your Say page and 78 people provide feedback on the draft strategy.

The goals of the strategy (listed below) were supported by the majority of respondents, as was the strategy vision statement:

Vision: Lead and support our community to move towards a circular economy by avoiding waste and maximising resource recovery.

Goal 1: Avoid Waste

Goal 2: Recover more from our waste

Goal 3: Engage and empower our community

Goal 4: Care for our environment

The focus now moves to the implementation plan which details specific actions, timelines, resources and delivery partners to achieve the aims and targets of the strategy.

To find out more about the Knox Waste and Resource Strategy 2023 – 2030, visit