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Knox City Council is committed to effective, fit for purpose and open community engagement and our Community Engagement Policy defines our approach and provides principles of good engagement practice. Over the past 4 years we’ve consulted the community on over 100 projects.
Across November 2023 the community provided feedback on their experiences and expectations when participating in Council consultation activities to ensure the Policy continues to reflect the community’s expectations. Consultation closed on 23 November 2023.
With the feedback from this first engagement, Council developed a Draft Community Engagement Policy. The policy went out for public exhibition and the consultation on the draft closed on 20 May 2024.
The policy was adopted at a Council meeting in August 2024. View the final Community Engagement Policy on the Knox website.
6 Focus groups
44 participantsCommunity survey
34 responses
What we heard
We heard that its important to you that we:
- Make sure people who might be impacted are aware
- Provide information that is easy to understand
- Have different ways for people to get involved and provide feedback
- Be clear about how the community can influence the decision
- Be consistent in our processes
Important changes
The new policy makes it clear when we engage and what we engage on.
We will undertake community engagement when:
- The community can influence the outcome
- A policy, project or decision is likely to impact the community - the impacts may be economic, social, environmental, built form or governance related
- When we need information from the community to help make a decision or progress a project.
Our decisions will also be informed by other information, including:
- Population, demographics and service usage data
- Technical
- Financial
- Research and previous community engagement data
- Legal, government and regulatory requirements
Meaningful: We provide our community with genuine opportunities to participate in decisions that affect them.
Transparent: We will explain the level of influence the community can have on the outcome and detail what the community can and can’t influence and why. We will describe how the decision will be made and by who and share the outcomes of engagement processes with our community.
Respectful: We acknowledge and value the expertise, perspective and needs of the community and communicate with them at key milestones.
Inclusive: We consider our diverse community members when designing our communications and engagement activities. We provide information in easy-to-understand and accessible formats and provide support to those who need assistance to take part in our activities.
Informed: We provide relevant and easy-to-understand information to support engagement and time to review the information.
Community engagement is a formal process to gather information from the community to inform a decision.
It involves developing a plan that outlines:
- interested and impacted people
- how much influence they can realistically have on the outcome
- activities to gather that information from people
- a plan for communicating the outcome
After the Community Engagement Policy is endorsed we will develop some guidelines for our staff on developing and implementing good engagement plans.
Timeline item 1 - complete
Broad community engagement including focus groups and discussion with advisory committees
November 2023
Timeline item 2 - complete
Draft Council Plan developed
December 2023 - April 2024
Timeline item 3 - complete
Public exhibition of draft policy and further engagement with advisory committees
April - May 2024
Timeline item 4 - complete
Policy finalised for presentation to Council
June 2024
Timeline item 5 - complete
Community Engagement Policy adopted
August 2024
Engagement Level
For this project we will be engaging our community at the level of Involve on the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) Spectrum.
This means we will work with you
to ensure that your
concerns and
aspirations are
directly reflected in
the alternatives
developed and provide
feedback on how
public input influenced
the decision.
Contact us
Find out more about the Council Plan and this engagement.
Name | Community Engagement Team |
Phone | 03 9298 8000 | |