The facts about transportation emissions in Knox

Nearly 13% of our community emissions come from transportation. This is equivalent to 83,658 passenger vehicles driven for one year.

One solution to lowering transportation emissions is to support our community’s transition to all-electric passenger vehicles. A growing number of countries are proactively transitioning to all-electric vehicles by banning the sale of fuel and diesel cars. Australia is highly likely to follow this overseas trend in the future, and we need to start planning and preparing our community for this change.

Proposed actions for transportation in the Climate Response Plan:

Expanding the electric vehicle charging network

To support our community transitioning to electric vehicles, a higher number of electric vehicle charging stations need to be available across Knox for easy access when commuting.

We plan to do this by:

  • Identifying and reserving more locations for the installation of electric vehicle charging stations, including parking spaces, activity centres and new developments
  • Working with influencers including State and Federal Government and Electric Vehicle Advocacy Groups to remove barriers that prevent community transitioning to electric vehicles.

Supporting car and bike share programs

Introducing a new mode of public transport will increase travel convenience, provide more travel options for our community, and potentially reduce car-ownership in Knox.

We plan to do this by:

  • Developing a policy that promotes car share programs in Knox. The policy will include provisions of dedicated parking for car share vehicles and the positive impacts of car sharing
  • Facilitating the establishment of practical and easily available car and bike share schemes which are mutually beneficial to the service providers and residents

Expansion of Council electric vehicle fleet

Transport fuel for our fleet of vehicles currently accounts for 9% of Knox Council’s emissions. We plan to lead by example and transition our entire fleet of vehicles to all-electric by 2025.

To support this transition, we plan to:

  • Develop a Sustainable Fleet Policy
  • Install more electric vehicle charging stations at Council facilities
  • Install telematics systems (a system to monitor car location and usage) in fleet vehicles