We are proposing to rezone three former early years sites to residential.

The site locations are:

  • 4 Coorie Avenue, Bayswater (the Coorie Avenue Children and Family Centre);
  • 10 Tamara Street, Wantirna South (the NG Haynes Children and Family Centre); and
  • The south-east corner of 69-75 Eildon Parade, Rowville (the Eildon Parade Preschool) that is currently zoned Public Use Zone – Local Government (PUZ6).

Our proposal is to rezone each site from the Public Use Zone (Schedule 6) to the Neighbourhood Residential Zone (Schedule 4). This will ensure any future development or use on the three sites is not out of character, and will fit in with the existing residential neighbourhoods.

This amendment is formally known as Amendment C174knox

Have your say

If you are affected by this proposal, we invite you to have your say and send us your thoughts in writing.

The closing date for submissions is 5:00pm, Friday 23 July 2021.

You can do this online in the 'Written submission' box below, or send your submission by email or post to:

  • Email: psamendments@knox.vic.gov.au
  • Post (no stamp required): City Strategy and Planning, City Futures Department, Knox City Council, Reply Paid 70243, WANTIRNA SOUTH VIC 3152

More information

The Amendment can be found on the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning website:


Subject to COVID-19 restrictions, the Amendment may be available for public inspection at Knox City Council Civic Centre (Customer Service Building and Planning counter) 511 Burwood Highway, Wantirna South, on weekdays from 8.30am to 5.00pm.


At the Council meeting on 26 November 2018, Council resolved to seek authorisation to prepare and exhibit this amendment to the Knox Planning Scheme, following the consolidation of Council early years services into two Children and Family Service Centres.

Privacy Statement

Council will collect the information in your submission to transparently carry out the Planning Scheme Amendment in accordance with the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (Act). The information you provide (including personal information) will be used by Council for that primary purpose or directly related purposes such as contacting you about the project. Council must make a copy of all submissions available for any person to inspect free of charge until two months after completion of the amendment process in accordance with Section 21 of the Act.

Submissions will be disclosed in full to Council's consultants (if applicable) who will make recommendations to Council regarding the submissions. Council and the State Government may also publish submissions on their websites, provide copies of submissions, and make publicly available lists of submissions. Submissions may be disclosed in a report to Council which will by virtue of the Local Government Act 1989, be available to the public for an extended period. Requests for access to and/or amendment of the personal information should be made to Council’s Governance Department on 9298 8000.

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about this project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name David Cameron
Phone 9298 8000
Email psamendments@knox.vic.gov.au